Weeds, Glorious Weeds!


When I was a little girl my aunt Lil used to pick dandelion leaves in the spring and serve them in a salad.  I didn’t think it weird at the time because she did so many amazing things and this was just one more. dandsalad

I love dandelions and have always said they are my favorite flower.   dand

When I was a little girl my mom always got a bouquet of dandelions and a box of Salerno butter cookies from me for Mothers’ Day.  I think I ate more of the cookies than she did.  (I loved to put my finger in the hole and nibble all around the cookie).


I thought it so nice that nature provided a free bouquet just for my picking!

dand1Dandelions are more than just a free bouquet though. Dandelions are one of the most beneficial and useful plants around. The leaves have the reputation of being a great liver detoxifier as well as having diuretic properties,  They are high in Vitamin A, C, potassium and beta-carotene.   They can be served raw in salads as well as steamed or sautéed like spinach. The flowers make a tasty fritter when dipped in egg and cracker crumbs and fried, and also make the famous dandelion wine and a wonderful jelly.  The roots can be roasted and ground into a coffee like beverage.  Nature provides us with a wonderful ‘spring tonic’,  delicious and healthy spring greens,  just when we need it, after a long winter without fresh local food.


 Black beans and sweet potato garnished with chopped dandelion.

                Dandelion and goat cheese omelet d1




Instead of spreading the 80 million pounds of pesticides a year that we use on our lawns to eradicate the dandelion, (pesticides that WILL find their way into your drinking water), why not appreciate it, harvest and use it?


And while you are at it, here are two other very common weeds and their uses:

Plantain-plan the leaves which can be eaten raw or cooked, are rich in iron and vitamins,  They also have healing and anti-inflammatory properties when applied directly to wounds or insect bites.



Purslane jpgPurslain –  the leaves are delicious and can be eaten raw or cooked or even made into pesto!  They are high in Vitamin E and contain the omega-3 fatty acid ALA as well as vitamin C and magnesium.


For more information on edible weeds and their benefits check out some of the many books on wildcrafting, foraging or herbs.  Always be sure to correctly identify any weed before using it.  It is recommended to try a small sample first to rule out allergic reactions or sensitivities.  Of course do your foraging where you are sure no herbicides, pesticides or sewage have been used.


Here is a link to an article I ran across about another good weed:


Have you ever tried anything made from dandelions or any other weeds?  Do you plan to give weeds a try?


4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. azkricket
    Jun 23, 2014 @ 17:12:40

    When I lived in NJ I paid the kids a penny for each danny picked. I now live in AZ and have chickens.Recently I paid for the weed in the grocery store! haven’t tried them yet myself but the chickens enjoy them.
    I’ve been loooking for seeds so I can grow my own – no luck yet.

    Does this mean I can join the “Crazy” chicken lady club?

    Liked by 1 person


  2. ruthschickensruthschickens
    Jun 23, 2014 @ 13:13:34

    You got it!



  3. Steven Criger
    Jun 23, 2014 @ 12:28:09

    gimme some weeds…..yum!!!!!



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